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8 Things to Look Out For In a Business Coach

cleaning coach Jul 10, 2024

Have you ever felt stuck in your cleaning business? Do you feel like you're "missing" something to get to that next level? Do you feel, more often than not, that you're not headed in the right direction? Do you wish you could have someone to hold your feet to the fire? You may need a coach.


No! Not that coach, though he's a classic. I'm talking about the coach that'll give you a little bit of tough love all the while guiding you to where you need or want to go. If done correctly, coaching will be very beneficial for you and your business.

I've been coaching commercial cleaning business owners for about four years now and below are 8 things to look out for in selecting your next business coach.


1. Your next coach needs to be goal-centric. 

We all have goals, right? What's the point in hiring a coach if there's no goal to work towards? Your coach should be asking you what your goals are, what you're doing to progress towards those goals, and should guide you on a path to get you there. Now some goals might not be worth pursing. For example, maybe your goal is to have a $10,000,000 business by the end of the year, but you started last week. It's not a SMART goal and your coach should be able to discern whether or not it's possible to pursue, and if not, alternatives to help you move in that direction.


2. Your next coach must balance direction with accountability.

Once you have a goal in place, you need your feet held to the fire to keep you on target. Your coach needs to hold you accountable and even call you out if you don't live up to your own agreement in your journey towards that goal. 


3. Hire your next coach based on targeted goals.

You don't want to hire a "well-rounded" coach. Hire the coach because they're good at something, whether it's taking a cleaning business to 7-figures, or even something more specialized. In the past I hired coaches to help me with systems and processes and SOPs, crafting a mission, vision, and core values, to help with SEO, for leadership, for mindset, and a lot more, including a coach to help me coach. Figure out what you need help with the most and hire a coach who is proficient in that thing.


4. Your next coach doesn't have to be the best.

Tiger Woods' golf coach never played in the Masters. The Williams sisters' primary coach ranked #1 in tennis...only in New Jersey, and merely visited as a spectator the clay at the French Open or the grass on Wimbledon. Likewise, your coach doesn't need to have a million dollar business. But your coach does need to possess the skills to move you in the direction of your goals. That fruit doesn't need to be fully ripe, but it does need to be growing. Check the fruit on the tree.


5. Your coach needs to possess listening and empathy skills.

I'm speaking here as a coaching client. There are times I get in my own way and am stuck in my ways. A good coach can tear that down, if need be, and help rebuild a better foundation. But that coach truly needs to be able to listen and be empathetic. A good coach can tell you that you're wrong without using those words, while addressing any underpinnings that led to that initial belief system.


6. Coaches need to be able to ask questions.

You know what they say about assumptions, right? It makes an ass out of u and me. A coach can't assume. They need to be able to ask not only the right questions, but also to ask the questions behind the questions that lead to answers you never thought of before.


7. Coaches are like a box of chocolates....

There are so many different coaching styles out there. Some are better than others, but "better" is always on the viewpoint of the client. I can say with great certainty that my coaching style will not resonate with everyone. I've turned down clients because I know, beyond any doubt, that I'm not the best fit for their needs. Every coach needs to be able to say that. If a coach has a personality and coaching + learning style that conflicts with yours, both of you will be frustrated. 


8. A good coach will give you resources.

We're not know-it-alls and if any coach claims that, then I'd be a bit wary. A good coach will have a stack of resources to offer you after your coaching sessions, as well as in-between sessions, that will help steer you in the right direction. I do this very blog so I can add to my resources for my coaching clients. I have the Beyond the Mop podcast as a stack of knowledge for my clients. I keep information on the ready, on any topic, so that I can add extra value instead of relying on my own knowledge and info.


I hope the above helps you. Not everyone needs a coach. But if you feel you do, I offer in my Next Level Coaching program an opportunity to be coached for FREE, with zero expectation you'd ever become a paying coaching client. Of those of you reading this, and who went through that initial meetup, you know beyond any doubt that I mean it. I use this opportunity to hone in my processes, to learn, and to see if we're a good fit. If you'd like a free 90-minute coaching experience, over Zoom, to see what coaching is like, reach out to me at [email protected].


Next on Deck:   It's Live! Start From Scratch to $100K Community (7/15/2024)


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