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When Should You Delegate?

delegation management Sep 25, 2024
My Clean Pivot
When Should You Delegate?

I love to work, and the basis for that is learning and the pursuit of knowledge. But there’s a drawback….and that is I love to work. That’s a positive virtue if there’s a work-life balance, but it’s a negative if you’re focused only on that and sacrifice others in the process.

That was my folly. I’d go to work around 7:30am after dropping off our oldest to school back at that time and stayed at work until 7-8pm. Then I’d come home to a cold dinner and work until midnight or 1am. Lather, rinse, and repeat, even worked all weekend too. 

Frustrations between loved ones escalated and before I could comprehend, I was miserable, unhappy, and quickly became a roommate in a household of strangers. I needed a change.

Remember how my basis of work was for learning and knowledge? Picture a big plate. I'm going through the buffet of life piling everything on that plate because I wanted to do and learn it all. But I added so much stuff on there was no way I could complete everything. I was challenged one day to make a list of EVERYTHING, or EVERY SINGLE task that I do in a given month and to put that down on paper. There were easily 100+ business-related tasks from going to the post office to creating invoices to chasing down money. Next, I was directed to put a time next to each task for the total time needed in a given month to complete those tasks. 

I added up all the time. I would have to work for 24 hours per day for 7 days per week for 20 days straight in order to accomplish every task and every project that I put on my plate. How many Star Trek fans do we have reading this? It was my Kobayashi Maru moment. It was an unwinnable situation. 

Honestly, that was a freeing moment. I learned I couldn't do it all myself and that I needed to delegate. So, I hired a coach to help me out. Shout out to Scott Beebe from My Business On Purpose. He led me down the concept of delegation and automation and that emptied my plate, added time to my life, and made me a more effective leader. 

So, when should you delegate?

1) Delegate if the task on your plate doesn't bring you joy. Ever have those tasks that zap the life out of you? Yea, get rid of those tasks. Delegate.

2) We all have egos and many of us feel that nobody can do a particular task better than us. If someone can do at least 70% of the task well, then delegate it. If you know beyond a doubt that someone can do it better than you, delegate. 

3) Could the task be completed by someone earning $20/hour or $50/hour? If so, how much are you worth? If you feel you're at $20/hr, then do that low level task. But I think you're worth more as the biz owner and visionary. I think you're worth $500 or more. If that's true, you shouldn't be doing $50/hour tasks.

4) Delegate to buy back time in your life. Don't add so many tasks that your plate won't spin when you're trying to spin them.

5) Use delegation to cultivate future leaders. If you're not delegating you won't cultivate leadership and you'll be an ineffective leader in the process.

6) Delegate when that task is no longer a priority for you.


Don't fall into the trap of wanting to do it all yourself. You can't do it all. 



Next on Deck: Ultimate Lead Guide - Finding Residential Communities (10-2-2024)




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