Welcome to a New Series - Policy & Mop: Legal News for Cleaners
Jan 06, 2025
Welcome to Policy & Mop: Legal News for Cleaners. This is a new blog series that covers new laws as they appear that impact cleaning business owners Coast to Coast. We'll talk about minimum wage changes, new mandates by OSHA, FTC, IRS or through other executive mandates, new rules around safety, taxes, record keeping, and more, including proposed legislation, passed laws, and laws stuck in the courts.
Why this blog series? I was talking to a poster who didn't know about the BOI. She was beyond her filing deadline and the saving grace is that it's caught up in the courts (Thanks 5th Circuit!). But many of these agencies that oversee these new laws do a lackluster job in promoting them. The purpose of this blog is to spell out new rules that impact some or all of us as cleaners.
First...some ground rules:
1) I'm not a lawyer and I never played one on TV. Leave the accuracy to lawyers and policy wonks though I can play armchair legal pundit with the best of them.
2) There are sooooo many laws out there. There's the feds. There are 50 states. There are over 3000 counties in the US. and there are over 100,000 towns and cities in the US. What does that mean? There are a lot of laws and there's no way we can keep tabs on all of them.
3) Because of the zillions of laws out there, including many that impact YOUR business, laws do change. They get repealed. They get legally challenged. They do get overturned. There's no way to keep on top of all of them without a crack staff (staff....what staff? Oh, they're stuck in the cracks).
4) If you do happen to see an inaccuracy, or you'd like me to include certain new laws that you feel people should know about, or you'd like clarity on, write to [email protected] and let me know.
Recent laws or changes that might be impacting YOUR cleaning business:
Business Owners Information (via FinCEN with legal updates)
Federal Trade Commission's Non-Compete Ruling is NO MORE
Minimum Wage Increases Within Q1 2025
California's AB-2364 Forces Cleaning Business Owners into New Compliance
Connecticut's HB-5005 Mandates Paid Leave on Employers With 25 or More Employees